Element: CAMPUSonline - Publications by one person
Special page content: CAMPUSonline - Publications by one person
To display a list of selected or all publications of a person on your website, use the element CAMPUSonline - Publications of a person (under Special elements). As soon as you select the element, the menu window for this element opens. Here you have the option of selecting a heading. For example, you can enter the name of the author whose publications you would like to display on the website. Ideally including the full title of the person. Under the Plug-In: tab, you will find three filter fields arranged one below the other. In the first field you can search for the author's surname. After selecting the surname, please save the element. In the second section, you can choose from eight categories. You can select all categories or just one. If you have selected one or more categories, all publications by the person in the selected categories will be displayed in the third field. Finally, you have the option of selecting one or more publications to be displayed on the website. In the last step, select the Save button to create the element at the desired location.
Meyer, Lukas (Hg.)
Justice in Time: Responding to Historical Injustice. Baden-Baden. NOMOS. 2004..
Forschung: Herausgabe eines Sammelwerkes/Buches > Anderer Buchtyp -
Meyer, Lukas; Paulson, Stanley; Pogge, Thomas (Hg.)
Rights, Culture, and the Law: Themes from the Legal and Political Philosophy of Joseph Raz. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 2003..
Forschung: Herausgabe eines Sammelwerkes/Buches > Fachbuch -
Meyer, Lukas (Hg.)
Special Double-Issue on "Reproductive Rights", In: Ethical Perspectives. Leuven, Belgien. Peeters Publishers. 2003..
Forschung: Herausgabe eines Sammelwerkes/Buches > Anderer Buchtyp -
Meyer, Lukas; Alexy, Robert; Paulson, Stanley; Sprenger, Gerhard (Hg.)
Rechtsphilosophie und Neukantianismus. Baden-Baden. NOMOS. 2002..
Forschung: Herausgabe eines Sammelwerkes/Buches > Anderer Buchtyp -
Meyer, Lukas; Doeker, Günther (Hg.)
The Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic in International Relations. Vol. 3: The Unification Process. New York. Oceana. 1992..
Forschung: Herausgabe eines Sammelwerkes/Buches > Fachbuch -
Meyer, Lukas; Doeker, Günther (Hg.)
The Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic in International Relations. Vol. 2: From Co-operation to Unification. New York. Oceana. 1991..
Forschung: Herausgabe eines Sammelwerkes/Buches > Fachbuch -
Meyer, Lukas; Doeker, Günther (Hg.)
The Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic in International Relations. Vol. 1: From Co-operation to Unification. New York. Oceana. 1991..
Forschung: Herausgabe eines Sammelwerkes/Buches > Fachbuch
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Martin Sterrer
Sterrer, Martin
PTCDA on MgO(001)/Ag(001) with tunable workfunction: From single to double integer charge transfer. Filzmoos. 28.09.2024..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Sterrer, Martin
Surface Science Models in Heterogeneous Catalysis. Graz. 11.07.2024..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Sterrer, Martin
Assembly and reactions of organic semiconductors on oxide thin film surfaces. Wien. 11.06.2024..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Sterrer, Martin
Control of charge transfer through ultrathin oxide films. Jena. 09.02.2024..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Werkovits, A.; Hollweger, S.; Niederreiter, M.; Risse, T.; Cartus, J.; Sterrer, M.; Matera, S.; Hofmann, O.
Kinetic Trapping of Charge-Transfer Molecules at Metal Interfaces..
In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces. x. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c08262. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c08262.
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Presel, F.; Bone, T.; Kern, C.S.; Puschnig, P.; Ramsey, M.G.; Sterrer, M.
Manipulating the charge state of porphin molecules on ultrathin MgO(001) films. Schladming. 2024..
Forschung: Poster -
Bondarenko, Lyubov; Baimuratova, Rose; Reindl, Marco; Zach, Verena; Dzeranov, Artur; Pankratov, Denis; Osmushko, Ivan; Kydralieva, Kamila; Dzhardimalieva, Gulzhian; Kolb, Dagmar; Prassl, Ruth; Sterrer, Martin; Schwaminger, Sebastian P.
Designed magnetic nanoparticles for ferroptosis: Release of iron ions from metal-organic frameworks modified with iron oxides..
In: Materials Today Chemistry. 42. 2024. 102332. doi:10.1016/j.mtchem.2024.102332.
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag