Element: Contact box
Typical page content: Contact box
To display lists of employees or contact details on the website, use the Contact box element. Here you have the option of choosing between a free contact or a business card . All available fields are filled out in the following elements. If you only want to use the last name, first name, email address and extension number fields, you only need to fill in or display these fields.
Headline - can be optionally entered and linked - Contact box with image
Subheading: can be entered optionally

Titel Vorname Nachname Nachgestellter Titel
Headline - can be optionally entered and linked - Contact box without image
Subheading - can be entered optionally
Titel Vorname Nachname Nachgestellter Titel
Funktion Employee lists
If you want to create a list of employees, you must click the Create new button again in the same contact box element. This changes the design in the frontend to the list view, either with images or in simple list view - depending on whether the added persons have a picture stored in UNIGRAZonline or you add the portrait photos yourself in the backend.
Please note for photos: If an employee has uploaded a photo to the UNIGRAZonline business card, it is automatically loaded into the contact box. If half of the people in the employee list do not have a photo in the UNIGRAZonline business card, a simple list display is shown for all people in the list. This can of course be changed if an image is uploaded for the people who do not have a picture in UNIGRAZonline(preferably with the dimensions 700 px x 700 px in Typo3).
Heading - optional - contact box - employee list with picture

Titel Vorname Nachname Nachgestellter Titel: